MCC Nature Club

The Club inculcates the concept of environmental protection, conservation and management of resources in students. It is a voluntary organization affiliated to WWF.

Report on World Environment Day at Mar Chrysostom College of Arts and Science

The World Environment Day celebrations at Mar Chrysostom College of Arts and Science were inaugurated by Pazhakulam Sivadasan, Chairman Gandhibhavan Development Committee. The event was graced by the presence of the Principal, Itty Varghese, and key staff members, including Mrs. Arya S, Asst Prof Dept of BCA (Staff Coordinator), Mrs. Sumitha Chandran, HOD Dept of BCA (Staff Secretary). The event witnessed active participation from the college staff and students, reflecting a collective commitment to environmental conservation.

Mr. Pazhakulam Sivadasan delivered an inspiring inaugural address emphasizing the importance of environmental conservation and the role of youth in promoting sustainable practices. Prof Itty Varghese, the Principal, welcomed the gathering and shared insights on the college's initiatives towards sustainability. He appreciated the efforts of the organizing team and encouraged students to adopt eco-friendly habits in their daily lives.

As part of the inauguration, a significant plantation distribution was conducted. Around 250 different types of plants were planted within the college premises, symbolizing growth, renewal, and the college's dedication to environmental stewardship..


Ms.Arya S

Ms.Bincy K Sunny